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Hearth logo

As a structural element in the makeup of a house, and a tool providing warmth, light, and food; a hearth gathers us towards itself, and towards each other. Founded in 2019 as an artist-run space, Hearth seeks to provide a site to present projects within a context that values collaboration, experimentation, and community.


All programming is collaboratively produced by: Rowan Lynch, Sameen Mahboubi, Philip Leonard Ocampo and Benjamin de Boer.

See @hearth.garage and Facebook for updates. Get in touch at: hearthgarage@gmail.com

If you're interested in learning more about Hearth please visit: http://hearthgarage.com/


Location:Behind 621 Bathurst St. Toronto, Ontario. Mock up by Phat Le

Hearth is located on Ulster St. just east of Three Star Variety (621 Bathurst, Toronto, ON, M5S 2R2).

Thet gallery is currently closed in response to COVID-19. Feel free to contact us at hearthgarage@gmail.com or DM us at @hearth.garage with any questions or inquiries.