2009 Oscar would eat an Avocado while waiting for the 143 bus on Burnaby Mountain after class; 2009 Oscar was weird. Contributors were asked to consider the narratives that exists around the consumption and production of Avocados: Avocados from Mexico promote them[1], millennials are told we can’t afford houses because of them[2] and we know they’re a healthy fat that promotes deforestation and lustrous hair.[3] [4] This thread is about expectations.
Of the Ahoacaquáhuitl or tree resembling the oak which bears fruit
A large tree with citrus leaves, greener, wider, and more scattered; bearing small flowers, white with yellow; the fruit has the shape of an egg, but it is much larger in some respects, it is more like a wild fig in shape and size, black on the outside, greenish on the inside, of a creamy texture like that of lard and with the flavour of walnuts. The leaves are fragrant and of a hot and dry temperament of the second order, for which they are conveniently used in lavatories. The fruits are also hot, pleasant to taste, and of a not insignificant nutritional quality, rather creamy, moist, and one which extraordinarily benefits the venereal appetite and augments semen; They contain white pits with some reddish tones, solid, heavy, glossy, and split into two halves like an almond, though oblong in shape and a little larger than the eggs of a dove. These bones have the flavour of a bitter almond, and produce when pressed an oil similar to that of the almond not just in smell, but also in taste and its other properties. It cures rashes, scars, favours the dysenteric bearing any astringency, and avoids the splitting of hairs. The tree has leaves the whole year, and grows in all regions spontaneously or under cultivation, although it grows more easily and reaches greater heights in warm plains.
Of the second Ahoacaquáhuitl or mountain ahoácatl
It has smaller leaves, a more reddish trunk and branches, and much smaller fruit than the wild or orchard variety, not exceeding the size of the Damascene Plum; in every other way it is of the same form and nature. It grows in uncultivated, rough, and mountainous environments.Excerpted and translated from La alimentación de los antiguos mexicanos en la Historia Natural de Nueva España de Francisco Hernández (2007) ed. Cristina Barros y Marco Buenrosto.
This book uses text from a reedition of la Historia Natural de Nueva España published in 1959 by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) as part of Volume I and II of las Obras Completas de Francisco Hernández. The original text dates to the 1570s when Francisco Hernández traveled Mexico documenting it on behalf of the Spanish Crown.